Whether you like drinking your cup of regular coffee before work or depend on black coffee to start sleepy mornings, there’s no denying that coffee is a wonderful energy booster.  Coffee is also a weight loss-friendly drink to have, with a wide variety of proven benefits. Research has demonstrated that drinking a cup of coffee daily supports weight management in the long run and improves mood. So, if you’re looking for a good energy booster to power your workout, coffee is the best solution for you.  Drinking black coffee at least 30 minutes before working out is recommended by weight watchers since it helps in fat reduction and provides the energy to sweat more.

Here’s how coffee helps with weight loss (and how to make it even more powerful):

1.    Reduces Appetite

Caffeine suppresses hunger cravings and decreases your appetite for food by creating a feeling of fullness. Drinking coffee just before a meal may help you eat less at that meal1. Caffeine usage during the day has been scientifically demonstrated to reduce calorie intake and increase gastric emptying.

2.    Boosts Metabolism

Weight reduction and fat loss may also be mainly determined by how quick or sluggish your metabolism is. While there are several natural ways to enhance metabolism, coffee is a particularly effective stimulant. Research suggests that caffeine helps in maintaining BMI by effectively speeding up metabolism2. This metabolism-boosting property might be the result of rich antioxidants.

3.    Mobilizes fat from fatty tissues

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which transmits direct messages to fat cells instructing them to begin fat breakdown3 . This is accomplished by boosting the quantity of the hormone epinephrine in the blood4,5.

Epinephrine, more often referred to as adrenaline, travels via your “bloodstream” to your fat tissues, signaling tissues to begin breaking down fats and releasing fats into your blood, releasing fatty acids into the bloodstream.

4.    Burns brown fat

Coffee stimulates “brown fat,” a heat-generating form of fat that burns calories in a process called thermogenesis. Brown fat differs from other types of fat in the body because it produces heat by burning fat and sugar frequently in reaction to cold. Thus, increasing its activity improves both sugar and blood lipid control, and the additional caloric burnt aids in weight reduction.

5.    Contains antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that help destroy free radicals. One of these antioxidants is polyphenol. Polyphenol is weight loss friendly. Research compared the effect of coffee supplements that included caffeine and polyphenols — two of coffee’s key active components on weight loss. According to this research, people who used supplements burned significantly more fat and calories than other people6.

2021 Update- How To Make Coffee Even More Fat-Burning:

Latest studies have found that 1 tiny tweak to your morning coffee puts your body into fat-burning mode for the rest of the day.

This coffee trick takes less than 10 seconds…

Yet, it instantly ignites your metabolism and boosts your health, energy, and well-being at the same time!

Here’s to an amazing start to your day 🙂

==>  Try This 10 Sec Fat-Burning Coffee Trick!


  1. Chubert, M. M., Irwin, C., Seay, R. F., Clarke, H. E., Allegro, D., & Desbrow, B. (2017). Caffeine, coffee, and appetite control: a review. International journal of food sciences and nutrition, 68(8), 901–912. https://doi.org/10.1080/09637486.2017.1320537.
  2. Acheson, K. J., Gremaud, G., Meirim, I., Montigon, F., Krebs, Y., Fay, L. B., Gay, L. J., Schneiter, P., Schindler, C., & Tappy, L. (2004). Metabolic effects of caffeine in humans: lipid oxidation or futile cycling?. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 79(1), 40–46. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajcn/79.1.40
  3. Kim, TW., Shin, YO., Lee, JB. et al. Effect of caffeine on the metabolic responses of lipolysis and activated sweat gland density in human during physical activity. Food Sci Biotechnol 19, 1077–1081 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10068-010-0151-6
  • Keijzers, G. B., De Galan, B. E., Tack, C. J., & Smits, P. (2002). Caffeine can decrease insulin sensitivity in humans. Diabetes care, 25(2), 364–369. https://doi.org/10.2337/diacare.25.2.364
  • Anderson, D. E., & Hickey, M. S. (1994). Effects of caffeine on the metabolic and catecholamine responses to exercise in 5 and 28 degrees C. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 26(4), 453–458.
  • Jo, E., Lewis, K. L., Higuera, D., Hernandez, J., Osmond, A. D., Directo, D. J., & Wong, M. (2016). Dietary Caffeine and Polyphenol Supplementation Enhances Overall Metabolic Rate and Lipid Oxidation at Rest and After a Bout of Sprint Interval Exercise. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 30(7), 1871–1879. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000001277